Secret Santa Mugs

Unhelpful Phonetic Alphabet Stainless Steel Travel Mug
Unhelpful Phonetic Alphabet Stainless Steel Travel Mug

We think secret santa mugs are the way forward. We are biased it has to be said as we principally sell mugs.

So why do we think this. Secret Santa is generally a workplace thing. Yes you may have one from your local book club, sewing club etc. Yet as a rule they generally come about through the work place. The other thing that is guaranteed at the work place even more so over people doing any work is that they will drink Tea or Coffee. If you looked at your colleagues desks most of them during the day will have a mug placed on it, pride of place. Even the most minimalist desk will get a mug of hot beverage.

In another part of the business we give out branded mugs to businesses so that our name is a constant on the desk.  When they need to think of who to give an order to, our brand is directly in front of them at all times.

Anyway- so why are mugs great for secret santa.

  1. There is a massive massive choice. funny, sweet, rude, passive aggressive, just aggressive, with slogan, without slogan, big, small etc
  2. The price point is fine. Not expensive, not cheap.
  3. You cannot offend someone with a mug as it is useful and you can give it some thought for the person.
  4. Quite frankly if I receive another box of Boots toiletries I will scream.
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